Endowment Fund

Endowment Fund

In order to provide adequate funds to sustain our core operations, we established the Continuity Care Endowment Fund in 1998.

Established, housed and managed by The Winnipeg Foundation, our Endowment Fund provides us with financial security and a steady income to sustain our organization in perpetuity, ensuring our members will always have access to the support and resources they need to feel secure.

Our Endowment Fund is a critical way we achieve our mission, providing a secure source of independent, long-term sustainability, and an arms-length relationship with government services, allowing us to advocate on behalf of families when needed.

A donation to the Continuity Care Endowment Fund, managed by The Winnipeg Foundation, will help sustain our organization. The Winnipeg Foundation has years of experience managing donations and will issue you a charitable tax receipt.

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